Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Home with the Kids!

I have not been doing any posts lately mostly because I am very tired and uninspired! Braden has been getting up every hour to two hours at night...ahhhhhh...what is the deal with that. On top of that our cat, Bob, always starts a yowling at about 5 am...NICE! How do you get rid of a cat that your child loves?

Speaking of Grace, she has been sick with something new almost every week or two since before spring break...this week was another ear infection. Which means...lots of crying and not so much sleeping.

I think in the past two weeks my uninterupted sleep has been 4 hours which would be one of the better nights. I try my hardest to co-ordinate naps for the kids so I can sleep, but it is tough, I think I have gotten an extra 1/2 hour on a couple days.

I have been fortunate up until now to have kids that sleep great. I guess it is pay back.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I Survived!

I survived a day of my #1 child puking by myself! I feel I have accomplished something or faced a fear.

This morning I woke up to a white faced Grace saying "puke". Great! I hate puke more than the average person. Well, we made out fine and I managed to keep my cool as Grace puked in the towel beside me while I was nursing Braden. (Pretty talented hey?) I swear every time I needed to feed Braden there was puke coming out of Grace. Needless to say, I was counting down every hour until Kevin came home, but by then all the action had died down.

Grace seems to have bounced back pretty fast and I am crossing my fingers that no one else gets sick.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Home life - by Kevin

The last 2 weeks have seen change around here, both for our kids and our house. You know how distant relatives used to say, “Wow, you’re growing up so fast”, well we find ourselves saying the same thing about our kids. Weekly we can reflect and see how much they’ve changed.

Grace is now regularly including “pleases”, ”thank yous”, and “your welcomes” in her sentences, which finally brings her into the 3 word category. Her vocabulary is also really expanding – she knows a lot of words we didn’t know she knew! She’s learning words all over the place and can even count to 6 in Spanish, thanks to Dora. Of course, she has no clue that she’s talking in Spanish but she knows she’s counting. Her vocab expansion is a nice change, though, she’s still happy using the word “this” while pointing to show us what she wants. It’s obviously still easier for her to return to familiar words that have previously worked for her.

Grace is also off bottled milk. It was time for this to happen because she didn’t object to receiving milk in a cup. Since the actual bottle still holds a dear place in her heart, especially at bedtime or when she hurts herself, so we give her bottled water. When she hurts herself she’ll ask for her bottle and run to the couch where she’ll bury her hand under a cushion. She’ll remain here for around 10 minutes until she’s recovered fully (or until she forgot about the accident), then she’ll toss the bottle. She hasn’t asked for bottled milk in 2 weeks!

Braden is also getting quite pudgy. Anyone meeting him might assume his dad was a 300lb football gorilla because of his size. But when you’re on the 97th percentile for weight and soon won’t be able to see past your cheeks when you smile, you can’t be miserable. He’s now 6.5 months chonologically (5 months corrected) and he is sitting up on his own, reaching for objects and sticking them in his mouth. Grace really pays him a lot of attention. When he cries she’ll go get him a toy, his toy. She knows exactly which ones are hers and which are his. If he continues to cry she will quickly notify us that he’s hungry. I’ve concluded that Grace will be babysitting for us as soon as he’s on pablum. She can obviously problem solve quite well.

On a different note, our yard has really taken shape this spring. Of course last year’s focus was renovating the inside of the plex. This year our plan is to landscape the yard. The previous owners really neglected the property and they positioned some of the plants quite poorly. Essentially, we’ve pulled some trees and shrubs and put down topsoil. In fact over the last 2 weeks we’ve dumped 3 yards of topsoil (around 2500lbs) around our yard, and we’ll soon be getting another yard for Shirley’s new garden. More gravel has also been put down in the parking area. Grace (and to a lesser extent, Braden) has really enjoyed playing outside during this time. The weather is pleasant and Grace is getting her shovel and helping move dirt. She enjoys the wheelbarrow rides the most, which really slows down productivity, but she just can’t stop climbing into it.

Braden's wagon is pretty popular for Grace right now... wait till she finds out its his.

She’s also discovered the river behind our place. Last week Grace was playing in the backyard as I was unloading some soil and she points to the river and said, “there, hand”, which means “let’s go over there, right now. Come with me.” Not knowing what she wanted, she grabbed my hand and led me to the noise of the river. Soon, we were at the water’s edge throwing rocks. Now anytime we go outside she asks, “throw rocks”, or “throw big rocks” with a “please” thrown in.

Here's a picture of Grace chasing Bob. He is just ahead of her to her left.

Anyhow, our yard is looking good – probably about 60% done. The last phase of our landscaping plan involves removing the eyesore in our backyard that we call a shed. Perhaps later this spring or summer we’ll replace it. For now we’re just enjoying the outdoors now that the temperature is milder. Gotta go to bed.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

"No Fit"

That is what Grace said when she saw her Easter dress. It is a size 2 and of course it will fit. I asked her if she liked her pretty dress and she said "no" and then proceeded to explain to me that it would not fit..."No fit, small" is what she said. I tried it on her and she protested the entire time, I took her to the mirror to see her pretty dress and she cried and said "no fit" and she wanted the dress taken off.

In fact, I recently showed her the dress again and she said "no" and ran in the other direction!

Great! I have a toddler that is not even 2 1/2 yet and she is already particular about what she wears!

Maybe she will want to wear jeans for the rest of her life like her dad!

What fun is that!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What They Are Doing Now

Braden is saying Da, Da, along with lots of combinations.

Grace sings "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

Braden is sitting by himself...with a safety cushion.

Grace occasionally puts on her own shoes.

Braden enjoys his bath.

Grace asks for your hand to take you places or to get help.

Braden is a VERY happy, smiley baby...a real charmer.

Grace counts to ten and knows her colors. She also is counting in Spanish. LOL

Braden is starting cereal and usually has about 1 - 2 tbsp two times a day.

Grace knows some of her alphabets and particularily likes the letter "W".

Braden has two teeth.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mud, Mud and More Mud!

Unfortunately, I was unable to get a picture of THE MUD but I think I can paint a picture of it for you.

We are in the process of some major landscaping right now and there is a lot of dirt and mud. Grace has been outside helping Kevin with some of the work and has enjoyed the dirt immensly. Today, we had water involved to cut some paving stones for a walkway. So as I am peacefully feeding Braden, Kevin comes in baring Grace who's backside is caked, literally caked, with mud and soaked to the bone. He took off her purple rubber boots and as one fell over it spilled a puddle of muddly sludge onto my clean tile floor. Nice!

A while Later...

Grace was playing near one of my trailing plants and accidentally pulled it down spilling dirt EVERYWHERE. As I was picking up my poor plant, Grace knocked the her Blue's Clues chair into the puddle of sludge in the doorway that I had not yet had a chance to wipe up. Now I have a dirty entrance way, the carpet is sprinkled with dirt and a chair that is driping mud. never ends at least not today! I don't think my entrance way will be free of mud and dirt for a while, especially not until after our landscaping is done and the grass has grown in.

I think I am being hopeful when I say...hmmm..."four weeks"?