Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mud, Mud and More Mud!

Unfortunately, I was unable to get a picture of THE MUD but I think I can paint a picture of it for you.

We are in the process of some major landscaping right now and there is a lot of dirt and mud. Grace has been outside helping Kevin with some of the work and has enjoyed the dirt immensly. Today, we had water involved to cut some paving stones for a walkway. So as I am peacefully feeding Braden, Kevin comes in baring Grace who's backside is caked, literally caked, with mud and soaked to the bone. He took off her purple rubber boots and as one fell over it spilled a puddle of muddly sludge onto my clean tile floor. Nice!

A while Later...

Grace was playing near one of my trailing plants and accidentally pulled it down spilling dirt EVERYWHERE. As I was picking up my poor plant, Grace knocked the her Blue's Clues chair into the puddle of sludge in the doorway that I had not yet had a chance to wipe up. Now I have a dirty entrance way, the carpet is sprinkled with dirt and a chair that is driping mud. never ends at least not today! I don't think my entrance way will be free of mud and dirt for a while, especially not until after our landscaping is done and the grass has grown in.

I think I am being hopeful when I say...hmmm..."four weeks"?


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