Braden is just over 5 months and teething up a storm. I have forgotten how unpleasant this experience can be. Poor boy, not usually a crier but certainly has his moments now. He sleeps well at night but during the day has at least one or two episodes of crying and needing mommy. Along with the experience comes the drool, his wet face and my wet shoulder, and also a hunger strike! The little guy looses his appetite and has gone 6 hours without feeding. One day he only fed 2 times in 12 hours! Ahhhhhh, I am learning what to expect from him now and I am more relaxed about his refusal. I look forward to him cutting his first two teeth because it is supposed to get easier after that.
I am crossing my fingers!
Poor baby! Both my boys started the drooling and chewing at around 2 months, and Ian got his first two teeth at 5 months. Jayden has much better hand control and can chew on his own fingers. Ian didn't and we would let him chew on ours to ease the misery. Just the other night I caved and drugged Jayden with Tylenol. And of course Ian is working on his last two 2 yr molars and, surprise, it only seems to attack him in the middle of the night!
Thank goodness for Tylenol!
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