My Little Man!

Shirley's World: February 2006
Braden was born 5-1/2 weeks early on September 20, 2005. During my pregnancy, he probably took years off my life (and other family members, as well). I had early labour signs at 24 weeks (around the same time as with Grace) and was put on complete bed rest at Royal Columbian Hospital. As a result of inactivity, I developed gestational diabetes, then a blood clot, and finally a pulmonary embolism! To further comlicate things, Braden was breach and I required a c-section for his safe delivery. But this was a complication due to the anti-coagulants I was required to take. I spent one whole summer in bed concentrating on incubating this baby in the best possible place - my tummy. We marked off each day and celebrated the start of a new gestational week with a special dinner. It was all worth it, though! I have an amazing little boy who is a joy to me in so many ways. I am enjoying every minute of his little life, and I thank God for his health!
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