Sunday, February 05, 2006

Wonderful Children?

Shirley's World
My children were not so wonderful today...or maybe it was my lack of sleep that made it seem soooooo bad. In total last night I got about 4 - 5 hours sleep (broken up of course!) Braden was up several times to snack and then Grace woke up and started rattling the door knob at 6:30. Naptime was production of her noisy happy babbling, knocking the blinds against the window, and making various other annoying banging noises. Sure this is ok for a while...but it went on for, I am sad to say, 2 hours with no sleep for her or me. I would never normally leave her in for so long, but I NEEDED this time today! I am happy to say that getting her out of bed was not so bad in the end. She seemed quite happy to play with Bob (the cat) and chattered to herself as she tried to coax him out of her chair. She must have sensed my weariness and later decided just to sit on my lap and play quietly with her toy. As she sat there I could hardly understand why I needed the break so was all forgotten.


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