Grace's Big Bed

I think that we are finally breaking the attachment to the crib! Grace has been sleeping at night in her big girl bed for almost two weeks now and doing pretty good too. She has not, however, been napping in her bed. This is mostly due to the fact that she has not been sleeping during her naptime ...and I still do not want to give up "my time". This afternoon, feeling energetic, I decided to give her the choice for naptime. She chose her bed. She climbed in and fell right to sleep, not one peep.
Thats my girl! She is growing up fast!
YEA for Grace in the big girl bed!! We had a pretty tough time with naps when Ian went to the big bed. We started just leaving him in his room and when he collapsed on the floor from exhaustion we would go in and put him back in the bed. Eventually he sorted himself out and now sleeps really well (usually) at naps and nighttime. Aren't toddlers so cute when they sleep? Maybe it seems more peaceful compared to the busy busyness they exhibit during the day.
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