Shirley's World
Home with the kids
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Going Out

She is a big girl now. She has her cell phone with her, her hat and her dancing shoes on. She is ready to go. I caught her just as she was heading out the door. Luckly the camera was within reach and she let me take the pictures.
She is very independant as I have probably mentioned before but here are some new ways she is showing her independance:
She undresses herself (mostly unaided). She also put on her own shirt without help the other day - I was very impressed.
She insists on getting into the bathtub on her own. She climbs in by herself and will not let me help. I have to guard her from the possible slip with out her knowing somehow.
She must open her own yogurt and play-doh by herself.
She is also turning into a little mommy. She loves to look after Braden, in fact, she started changing his diaper the other day on her own. By the time I got there his sleeper was unbuttoned and the POOPY diaper was coming off in a messy way only a two year old could master. I dove for the camera and then thought twice about the nasty potential of the situation and decided to help Grace instead (the priceless moment would have been passed anyway).
It is hard to imagine that 2 1/2 years ago she was so small that we could only hold her for a hour at a time. Now she is running, talking, getting into trouble and showing her independance. She is a "big girl" now and I could never have imagined it back then. The time flies and my babies are growing and changing with each passing day.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Building a Foundation
This is gone!

And the new one begins! Yay!

This weekend was a busy one! We were getting the site ready for the new storage shed. We are laying the foundation! Thank you to Dad for his hard work - we do have pictures to prove it!
The new shed will be larger than the last one and better looking. Imagine that!(Not too hard to beat!) It will have a large storage area to house our tools and lawn equipment and four storage rooms for each suite in the building.
It is going to be Great! I will love having a place to store strollers, bikes and outdoor equipment. Maybe now the house will also be free of misc. tools, silicone tubes, hammers, drills and various bits of hardware! I am looking forword to seeing the finished project.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Colds etc.
Yesterday Grace came down with a cold and today she is VERY sick and oozing yellow stuff from her nose. She is whiny and just not well and this is by far the worst cold she has had this year. She wants me all the time and it is really hard to be in two places at once.
I am sooooooo tired of colds and sickness! It is June - cold and flu season is OVER! And on top of that we have rarely had the pleasure of leaving our home in the last few weeks to pick up these NASTY bugs...but somehow they seem to find us.
I am crossing my fingers again that this is the last one for a while! For the summer?
It has been a slow/crazy (not sure which) couple of months for me so it seems I have little to blog about (other than my peeves on all the sickness we experience -- my apologies to bloggers and readers) and no time and energy to blog. Kevin has been very busy with flooring jobs and working on projects around home which leaves me with the kids and trying to keep up with my home etc. Kevin has been very fortunate to be so busy, especially with flooring jobs. The demand for his services seems to be getting bigger and bigger and with summer coming that is great!
This month is going to be very busy with school coming to a close and various special dates like Kevin's birthday, anniversaries, Fathers Day, and Chris' stag, it seems we will barely have time to breath. Right now I am hoping for a quiet summer and time to stop and enjoy my WHOLE family and creating some bloggable memories.
Braden is on the move! Braden rolled over today for the first time! He is only about 4 months late on that one! Gone are the days of leaving the room and coming back and finding him in the same spot.
Hmmmmmm....more watching and work is on the way for me!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Braden is feeling better now! The poor boy! It only took one day on antibiotics and his smile returned. Although, he HATES the antibiotics and it is a struggle we endure 3 times a day! He clamps his little mouth down so tight that you have to pursist until he cries - then you can get the medication in. There is lots of head shaking, dodging, arching, crying, coughing and sputtering.
Grace's potty training took off well and then stalled when Braden got sick. It was hard for her. She didn't get the attention she normally gets because Braden needed to be held a lot of the time. We took a break which was probably more for me than for her. She does really well when she wants to and that is what it comes down to. But we will continue on and slug through the accidents and frustration as every parent does and we will reach the goal.
We were also able to register Grace for preschool this September. We were fortunate to get into the OSNS program, Kinderplace Preschool, this was our first choice. It has an excellent program and facility. We were expecting not to get in until next year but fortunately we were offered a spot for the fall.