Going Out

She is a big girl now. She has her cell phone with her, her hat and her dancing shoes on. She is ready to go. I caught her just as she was heading out the door. Luckly the camera was within reach and she let me take the pictures.
She is very independant as I have probably mentioned before but here are some new ways she is showing her independance:
She undresses herself (mostly unaided). She also put on her own shirt without help the other day - I was very impressed.
She insists on getting into the bathtub on her own. She climbs in by herself and will not let me help. I have to guard her from the possible slip with out her knowing somehow.
She must open her own yogurt and play-doh by herself.
She is also turning into a little mommy. She loves to look after Braden, in fact, she started changing his diaper the other day on her own. By the time I got there his sleeper was unbuttoned and the POOPY diaper was coming off in a messy way only a two year old could master. I dove for the camera and then thought twice about the nasty potential of the situation and decided to help Grace instead (the priceless moment would have been passed anyway).
It is hard to imagine that 2 1/2 years ago she was so small that we could only hold her for a hour at a time. Now she is running, talking, getting into trouble and showing her independance. She is a "big girl" now and I could never have imagined it back then. The time flies and my babies are growing and changing with each passing day.
What personality! That's so cute. Ian won't dress or undress yet, and only seems to care about what shoes he wears, but he totally into climbing up and down from everything, his booster seat, car seat, change table etc etc, ALL by himself.
She IS such a big girl! The baby phase is gone, and we're on to big girl!
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