Trick or Treating And Halloween Fun!

We started out at about 6:30pm and it lasted for about an hour. Walking around our neighbourhood, Grace dressed as a lamb and Braden as a cow, knocking on doors and asking for treats. We went with our neighbours Chris and Corry and their little girl Aniesa. Our street was very alive with all sorts of characters carring their treats and looking for more. The street was decked out with some fun and some very scary decorations all adding to a party atmosphere. It was GREAT and everyone had a lot of fun!
We finished off our evening by meeting up with the other Bond family at the Peter's house for the annual fire, hotdogs, chili and pie. The kids were soooo tired, Grace could hardly stay awake to get her pajamas on. She walked to her bed and fell asleep half on and half off her bed and stayed there until Kevin came back with her water. I wish I had gotten a picture of that one!
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