Braden cosy and warm in the stroller! Note pushing a stroller through snow at Apex is not for the faint at heart!

It didn't take Grace long to fall asleep looking at her book on the way home.

Yesterday we ventured up to Apex to check out the snow. We enjoyed two of the local resturants. Yes, two of them! We intended on sharing our sandwich with Grace at the first resturant but, to our dismay, they put a hot and spicy relish on both sandwiches and they only took cash (we had about $1.13 cash left) leaving Grace lunchless. So we embarked on a trip to find a small bowl of soup for Grace and a quiet place to feed Braden. This took us to the hotel resturant. Needless to say Grace enjoyed some Homemade Mac and Cheese for $9 (it was that or Parsnip and Apple soup for $7).
Once we had lunch in our stomachs, diapers changed and ski clothes on, we headed to the slopes to check out the tubing. By now, it was 2:15pm, snowing and had turned quite cold and windy. We decided to check it out anyway. We discovered that the tubing would cost $16/hour for both Grace and Kevin to enjoy sliding on the snow and seeing that we only had 45 minutes left before they closed we decided against trying the tubes. We did enjoy the adventure and will be better prepared for next time. It is not easy carting a 2 year old and a 5 month old around, especially in that much snow unless you are totally organized and have a plan! I think.