Braden is One!

My Baby turned One on September 20th.
Here are a few of the pictures from his party! We had a lot of fun!
It is hard to believe that a year has gone by so quickly when we waited so long for the day he arrived. Each day and week of my pregnancy was counted and checked off and now here we are at ONE Year!
I can hardly believe it! I find myself clinging to his babyhood! He is my last! And he must not grow up too fast! He was a baby for a long time as he did not move until he was 10 1/2 months old! Now he is on the move, he is crawling and cruising furniture and attempting steps on his own. He is talking (dada, Dora, cat, all done, down, and no), playing games, and making truck noises! He is a snuggler and loves his mommy, daddy and sister.
He is my sunshine. He is always happy and his smile lights up his whole face.
We love you Baby B!