A Mother Knows Her Baby!
Why don't some people recognize this? I hate being dismissed as a new paranoid mom when I KNOW my child is sick!
Braden never cries for long periods of time and is always consolable but this weekend he was not. He was unusually miserable all day and would wake up crying in the night almost every hour. When I would hold him and he would flop his head on my chest and cry and cry. I finally decided to take him into emergency (because on the weekends in Penticton there is very little doctor coverage except at emergency). The admitting nurse, who I am pretty sure thought that I was over reacting, was very curt with me but sweet to Braden. She talked only to Braden and cut me off if I ever tried to say anything. She was very patronizing.
She listed his symptoms off: "low grade fever, pain, drool, sounds like teething to me!" "Yes, lady it does, but consider that he never cries unconsolably and he is always drooling!" is what I felt like saying although if I had tried she would have cut me off...hmmmmm actually I did try saying that and she did cut me off. Fortunatley, the emergency doctor was more proffessional but couldn't find any obvious signs that Braden was sick. He could not get a good look at his ears because there was too much wax to see anything. He felt that he probably had the nasty virus that his going around and would feel better in a few days.
So after a weekend of crying, we are off to see our family doctor. This morning I noticed liquid leaking out of Braden's left ear. I am sure this is enough evidence that he has an ear infection and possibly that his eardrum has ruptured because of the ear infection.....
We have seen the Doctor and he is pretty certain that he has an ear infection but he could not be sure if his eardrum has ruptured as there was no blood evident in the liquid in Braden's ear. He also was unable to see the eardrum clearly so we would need to wait until he is feeling better to be sure of a ruptured eardrum.
I guess next time I will have to listen to my instincts and not let a nurse insist that she knows more that I do, because it is not always the case.